Confession of a non-residential Prime Minister

Selfie with CEOs – Identify me? Vadodara based activists Rohit Prajapati and Trupti Shah’s hard hitting poem satirises Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s obsessive image building missions and foreign tours and his love for the company of CEO’s

I am always looking in the camera.
I am always looking in the mirror.
I am always checking out my “image”.
And my ‘image’ said to me:
I am the ‘Wisest Person’ in my country.
I cajole, persuade, threaten, beg, sweet-talk and seek investments.
I believe that only an investor can decide the laws and policies of the country.

And that is why
I hold a bearer cheque for investors & CEOs to fill up the blanks in the industrial, environmental, labour and economy policies.
I consider the CEO forum as the real Parliament.
I meet CEOs more frequently than I meet the elected Parliamentarians.
I prefer multitude of Selfies with CEOs to others.

I do have my ‘Cabinet’ but all the ministers are locked in my ‘Cabinet’ and the key is with me.
I always move alone as my all the cabinet ministers are locked in my ‘Cabinet’.

I begin my day with investment and end with investment.
I begin my day with CEOs and end with CEOs.

I have double ‘speak’ one is for ‘public speech’ and the other is for ‘actual implementation’.
I order, advise, task my cabinet, the Parliament, the Party and the People.
On what to do, how to do, where to do, why to do, when to do.
And I quietly take orders, advise and tasks from the CEOs.
On what to do, how to do, where to do, why to do, when to do.

I have “Fantastic” policies and I want the investors, my cabinet, Parliament and the people to live in ‘Fantasy’.
I lecture about Peace, Climate Change, Justice and Sustainable Development abroad.
But back home,
I allow none to utter a word on these subjects
I allow none to speak, think for Peace, Climate Change, Justice and Sustainable Development.

I consider contamination of ground water & food, occupational health problems and pollution are the collateral, integral and essential elements of ‘My Development Model’ (MDM).

I want people to live in my ‘Fantasy-World’.
I am NRPM (Non-Residential Prime Minister).

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