Rethinking Disabilty In India Anita Ghai explores disability as a social, cultural and political phenomenon and marks a fundamental shift from the standard...
Protect Judge who put Naroda Patiya convicts behind bars Even as Judge Jyotsana Yagnick who convicted Maya Kodnani and Babu Bajrangi (both out on bail) for the Naroda...
PUDR slams Bastar police chief for intimidating human rights activists and Adivasis By Team FI People’s Union for Democratic Rights, issues a press statement to condemn Bastar IG, SRP Kalluri’s open...
Protect our right to work and express our views, civil society to Modi Open letter to Prime Minister draws attention to the deliberate targeting of civil society organisations especially that work on...
The bogey of ‘Muslim Terrorist’: A note on the Aleru encounter By branding the Aleru encounter victims as terrorists, the police, the media, the judiciary and even the public seem...